Monday, October 14, 2013

For my family

Hey family,
I finally figured out what I can use this venue for - to share with you guys! I was trying to send some photos of Thanksgiving via email and it was just too big and so, voila - here I am. Most of these are from our gratitude circle (we all bring something or a few things representing what we are grateful of and get to share).

 Me sharing - recognize the photo? Yes, I'm grateful for you two, Mom and Dad, how we had such a great childhood and a good model of a marriage you were to grow up with.
 Maxi was grateful for being able to eat the food that we grow on the farm and this very large beet.
 This is a basket bottom or a tray that Addie made in WOLF school. His gratitude was for patience and time and our ability to create things (this came straight from his experience at school, so great to see what he is being exposed to).
The kids making fire. Check out Scout's new haircut as of yesterday. I just couldn't handle the giant hair mats and her refusing to let me brush it.

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