Monday, April 26, 2010


Highlights from Silo's life:
Being on the farm, playing stick, chasing chickens, barking at Sophie, barking at Freddie, Auntie Kareno, sleepovers with Auntie Kareno, getting stoned (Auntie Kareno!), riding in the back of the truck, looking for deer, barking at deer, chasing deer, moaning, Matt (she really did love Matt the best).
Did not love:
Being left at home (really, really did not like this), getting brushed, getting caught eating the compost, Sophie, Freddie (although did kind of love the last two on a certain level)
Silo in our life, 2002 - 2010.

She was such a great dog with the kids. So great with them as babies when they would crawl over her and pull her ears and nose.

She loved Auntie Kareno and I think the feeling was mutual. She also was a big fan of trucks.

We love you Silo, we will miss you and all your crazy barking.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Silo was amazing with the babes. I have a photo of Silo and Ollie laying on the floor, heads close to each other, both looking serene and peaceful. We'll miss you too, Silo!

    Sara and the boys
